The pirate caribbean hunt map
The pirate caribbean hunt map

*Talk about pirates landing and discovering the various places, what are the mountains like to climb? Is the cave spooky and dark? What is inside it? What happens in the sinking sands? what can be seen from Lookout Point? When they dig up the treasure under the X, what is inside the box? Has someone else beaten them to it already? Where will they go to next? *Use the map as a prompt for starting your own stories about what might happen on the pirate island. (And also the better they will believe themselves to be at drawing when the time comes.)Īnd for fun I also drew a map of our own garden with the main objects and landmarks that are found in it! You really don’t need any artistic skill in order to impress young children and the less you say about being a “bad artist” the better they will believe you to be. Then I drew on an island shape and added some main geographical features and labelled them. The result made them look even more authentic and ancient. When the papers were completely covered, we left them to dry overnight and then they looked like fabulously aged, antique parchments! The next step was lots of fun for me (but best done outside and away from the impressionable eyes of children!) I used lit matches to burn around the edges of the papers, just allowing them to scorch a little before quickly blowing them out again. Baby Pop thought it was lots of fun and was distraught when I eventually took it all away! tipped the cup over (not at all unexpected!) and during the mop up with copious amounts of kitchen roll, it actually worked out even better to use those to stain the paper with.

the pirate caribbean hunt map

The girls had great fun sloshing it all over the thick paper with paint brushes. We put three tea bags in a cup with some boiling water and left it to cool down, by which time it had become a lovely thick stew and also a great natural watercolour paint!

the pirate caribbean hunt map

The better the quality, the more we are expecting from them and valuing the outcome, in my opinion.

the pirate caribbean hunt map

As an aside, I think children should always be offered the best quality materials and resources, where possible, and there’s no reason why they can’t use “real” art products at all.

the pirate caribbean hunt map

I have included a photo of our watercolour art book so you can see the type of thing to look out for. The next logical step was to make a pirate treasure map and I have to say, I had so much fun with this! It reminded me of all the maps and fun props we used to make when we did this topic with our Reception aged children at school, and I’m now hankering for an imaginative play skull cave and palm tree beach like I once had in my classroom! Ah, those were fun days!įor an effective map you really need to use good quality, heavy duty paper, preferably watercolour, sugar or blotting paper as these are the most absorbent types.

The pirate caribbean hunt map